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Article | Itselfu Prep

What is an Article?

Articles are used to indicate whether a noun refers to a specific or a general item.

There are two types of articles, definite and indefinite.

However, in your choice about whether to use an article, or which one to use, you have four possible choices: ‘a‘, ‘an‘, ‘the‘ or ‘no article‘.

‘a’ and ‘an’ are Indefinite Articles and ‘the’ is known as the Definite Article.

For example, if I say, “Let’s read the book,” I mean a specific book. If I say, “Let’s read a book,” I mean any book rather than a specific book.

  • The words a, an and the are called articles.
  • These articles are normally used before nouns.
  • A and An are called indefinite articles while THE is known as Definite articles.


    1. A book
    2. A table
    3. A pen
    4. A tree
    5. A house
    6. An umbrella
    7. An orange
    8. An innocent man
    9. An apple
    10. An elephant
        The above words refer to any of its kind. Such articles are called indefinite articles. These indefinite articles stand before only singular form of nouns.
  • AN is used only before words with a vowel as their first letter a, e, i, o, u.


    He is an honest man.
    I am late by an hour.
  • The words honest and hour do not have a vowel as the first letter of the word. But these words begins with a vowel sound.


    The book - books
    The house - houses
    The table - tables
    The tree - trees
    The fruit - fruits
  • These articles refer to particular noun. So THE is called as a definite article. Further THE can be added before singular and plural forms of the nouns.
  • To say, the definite article is used before singular countable nouns, plural countable nouns and also before uncountable nouns.


    The milk.
    Here THE is used as an article before uncountable noun.

Some other examples:

  1. A dozen oranges.
  2. A battalion of soldiers.
General rule is that 'A' is used before singular nouns that are unspecified. But dozen and Battalian do not reveal singular aspect of the nouns. These are exceptions.
     Since morning I am a bit worried.
In the above sentence the article 'a' is used before a clause.
Some other examples:
  1. The Sun rises in the East and sets in the West.
  2. The nights are shorter in the summer while they are longer in the Winter.
      Here the articles are used to refer to natural phenomenon.

 An article is a word used to modify a noun which is a person, place, object or idea.

Articles :

1. Indefinite Article ( Unspecified)
   A , An
2. Definite Article (Specified)

Indefinite Article: (A/An)

Generally A or An is used before singular countable Noun.
A book, A table, An apple

Usages of indefinite articles:

1. If a word starts with "Consonant Sound", we can use "A" before that.
Ex:  I need a dictionary
      Here the word ′dictionary′ has the consonant sound ′D′. So we can use ′A′ before the common noun dictionary.

2. Some words start with vowels (a, e, i, o, u) but it gives consonant sound, then ′A′ is to be used there.
Ex:  A university, A union, A unit, A useful, A European, A One rupee, A once famous player, A one sided argument

3. If a word starts with vowels or vowels sound, ′An′ is to be placed before that word.
Ex:  An idiot, An accident

4. A word starts with consonant but it gives vowel sounds, then we have to use ′An′.
Ex:  An hour, An hotel, An Historical, An heroic, An Heir

5. If singular noun comes as ′complement′ in a sentence, then we can use ′A′ or ′An′.
Ex:  She is an actress
       She will be a dancer next year

6. To mention a particular group of people by a particular person, Use ′A′ or ′An′
Ex:  A pupil should obey his teacher (Meaning of All students)
      A dog is faithful to his master. (Meaning of All Dogs)
      A lion is a dangerous animal. (Meaning of All lions)

7. Use ′A′ or ′An′ before the name of professions
Ex:  He is a teacher
      I am an engineer

8. Use ′A′ or ′An′ after some prepositions like ( At, of)
Ex:  Two tablets at a time
      Birds of a feather fly together

9. We have to use ′An′ in abbreviations beginning with the letters F, H, L,M,N,R,S & X
Ex:  An M.P, An M.L.A, An F.R.C.S, An S.S.L.C

       She is an M.P
       She is a member of parliament
        She is an member of parliament

10. If a sentence has key words like ′one′, ′any′,′every′,′certain′, then use ′A′ or ′An′.
Ex:  He own a car and two taxies (one car)
      A girl has come to see you (certain)

11. ′A′ is to be used before ′Few′ and ′Little′
Ex:  I have a few rupees
      He received a little money from his friend

12. ′A′ or ′An′ comes after the verb ′to be called′
Ex:  It is called a remote
      It is called an umbrella

13. To denote certain quantity/ number/Speed, ′A′ or ′An′ can be used.
Ex:  He has a lot of experience (Number)
      I want a dozen mangoes (Quantity)
      The yercaud express runs 150 kms an hour(speed)

14. In an exclamatory sentence, ′A′ or ′An′ can be used before singular countable noun.
Ex:  What a lovely dress❗
      What a wonder movie❗

 Usages of ′THE′:

1. We can use article ′The′ before oceans, rivers, newspapers, hills, Gulf, peaks, states,, banks, forests etc.......
Ex:  The Indian Ocean, The Ganges, The Times of India

2. Before the unique objects, ′The′ is to be used.
Ex:  The sun, The Moon, The earth

3. ′The′ should be used before the adjective in superlative degree.
Ex:  Shakespeare is the greatest of English dramatists.

4. We can use ′The′ before parts of human body.
Ex:  The Head, The ear, The Cheek

5. In a paragraph, to mention a person or an object again, use ′The′ before that word.
Ex:  He gave me a knife and a spoon. The knife was not sharp.

6. To mention particular person or object or place, use ′The′ before that word.
Ex:  The pen you want is out of stock.
      This is the purse which I lost yesterday

7. When a singular noun is used to represent a whole class, use ′The′ before that noun.
Ex:  The parrot is a clever bird. (All parrots)
      The fox is a cunning animal. (All foxes)

The′ should not be used before man or woman, when it comes as noun.
The man is mortal
 Man is mortal.

8. To mention ′The date of month′ and to mention ′ordinal numeral adjective′, use ′The′ before that word.
Ex:  The 7th March, The 30th December

9. To mention the holy books, use ′The′ before that word.
Ex:  The Bible, The Bhagavad-Gita, The Quran

If you use the author’s name in front of the book, do not use ′The′ before that.
 The valmiki’s Ramayana
 Valmiki’s Ramayana

10. In some cases, we use the same word to mention the language as well as the people of the country. In such cases, use ′The′ before people but not before language.
Ex:  China (country) - Chinese (Language) -------- The Chinese (people)
      England (Country) - English(Language) ------- The English (people)

Before people of a nation, ′The′ should not be used.
 Americans are rich
 The Americans are rich

11. If two actions change in the same ratio, to compare the actions use ′The′ in the sentences.
Ex:  The more you learn, the more knowledge you gather.
      The sooner you go, the sooner you will be back.

 1. Before the plural noun, the indefinite articles should not be used.
Ex:  Ex:
 He is a lawyer (Singular noun)
 They are lawyers(plural nouns)
 They are a lawyers
 I am an Indian(Singular noun)
 We are an Indians(Plural Noun)

2. Articles should not be used before the ′Uncountable nouns′.
Ex:  Ex:
 He needs advice.
✘ He needs an advice.

 I need a water
 I need some water

We can use a piece of, a bit of, a sheet of, a slice of etc.,before the uncountable.
Ex:  Ex: I want a piece of cake
      I want a sheet of paper.

3.Articles should not be used before ′breakfast′,′dinner′,′supper′, when it comes normally.
Ex:  We have breakfast at 9 AM.
      I was invited to dinner.

If the above mentioned words come with adjective or particular reason/occasion, we can use articles.
Ex:  They gave us a good dinner. (Adjective-Good)
      I was invited to a dinner given to the chairman. (Particular occasion)

4. No articles before the names of country, city, street, month, day, festival
Ex:  The Japan ()        Japan()
      The Christmas ()   Christmas ()

5. Generally No articles come before the things & the metals. But to mention the particular metal, use ′The′ before metal.
Ex:  Gold is very costly (General)
      The gold that I bought is not genuine.(Particular)

6. before languages avoid articles.
Ex:  Hindi is a difficult language ()
      The Hindi is a difficult language ()

7. Articles never come before abstract noun.
Ex:  Cleanliness is next to Godliness

Abstract Nouns- Truth, Knowledge, Love, Honesty, Poverty, Wisdom, Strength, Absence.

8. Avoid articles before games.
Ex:  I play tennis
      They play cricket.

9. When common noun comes in plural, articles should not be used.
Ex:  Cats like mice
      Girls play games.

10. No articles come before the relationship.
Ex:  Brother has gone out
      Father wants you to see him.

11. Don’t use any articles before the names of countries or continents. But use ′The′ before the names of countries or states which include words like Republic/Union/Kingdom/states.
Ex:  The United States of America
      The United Kingdom

12. Don’t use articles when the words (School, Hospital, Court,church,Prison,Market) come for tis purpose
Ex:  The children go to school.
      The murder was sent to prison.

But to mention a particular reason or to mention the buildings of particular place, use ′The′ before that word.
Ex:  The wall of the prison must be very high. (Building of person)

13. Don’t use articles before complement and abstract nouns.
Ex:  They elected him as president. ()
      They elected him as the president. ()

      Honesty is the best policy. ()
      The honesty is the best policy. ()

14. Avoid articles before names of subjects of study and interest.
Ex:  History, painting, Physics, Music.
      I am very much interested in physics.

15. Before the names of holidays & festivals, ′The′ should not be used.
Ex:  Diwali is Hindu’s festival.
      Christmas holidays begin on 23rd December.


Exercise 1: Fill in the blanks with appropriate articles

Use ‘an’, ‘a’ or ‘the’ appropriately in the sentences given below.

  1. Sheldon is ___ honest man.
  2. King Arthur was ___ just king.
  3. ____ lion let go of ___ mouse.
  4. I have fixed ___ appointment with ___ doctor.
  5. Will you take ___ picture of us?
  6. I broke ___ vase my brother brought.
  7. My mother has ___ polka-dotted umbrella.
  8. The team organised __ friendly match with ___ Presidents of both ___ countries.
  9. We had __ mulberry tree in the garden.
  10. ___ Eiffel Tower lights up at night.
  11. ___ huge building turned to dust due to __ earthquake.
  12. ___ famous band Beatles is coming to Texas tomorrow.
  13. Charles Babbage is considered as ___ father of computers.
  14. __ famous poem ‘Ode to a Nightingale’ is written by __ Romantic poet John Keats.
  15. __ Pacific Ocean is one of __ five oceans of __ world.
  16. __ painter drew __ life-sized portrait of Mrs Mary Poppins.
  17. My son is ___ apple of my eye.
  18. ___ history professor who taught us is retiring today.
  19. ___ oranges I brought were very sour.
  20. Sharon will take __ train from __ next stop.

Answers –

  1. An
  2. A
  3. The, The
  4. An, The
  5. A
  6. The
  7. A
  8. A, The, The
  9. A
  10. The
  11. The, The
  12. The
  13. The
  14. The, The
  15. The, The, The
  16. The, A
  17. The
  18. The
  19. The
  20. A, The


Exercise 2: Identify and underline the articles

Read the passage given below, and identify and underline the articles used in it.

One day, a dog which was very hungry was crossing the street. Suddenly he saw a shop selling meat. Since the dog hadn’t eaten for a few days, he could not control his hunger. When the shopkeeper wasn’t looking, the dog took a piece of meat and ran away. The dog ran till it came near a clear stream to enjoy his food. As he was about to eat the meat, he saw his own reflection in the water. He didn’t understand that it was his own reflection in the clear water; he thought there was another dog with a piece of meat. So without thinking twice, he opened his mouth to bark at the other dog; as soon as he did that, his piece of meat fell into the stream.

Answers –

One day, a dog which was very hungry was crossing the street. Suddenly, it saw a shop selling meat. Since the dog hadn’t eaten for a few days, he could not control his hunger.  When the shopkeeper wasn’t looking, the dog took a piece of meat and ran away. The dog ran till it came near a clear stream to enjoy his food. As he was about to eat the meat, he saw his own reflection in the water. He didn’t understand that it was his own reflection in the clear water; he thought there was another dog with a piece of meat. So without thinking twice, he opened his mouth to bark at the other dog; as soon as he did that, his piece of meat fell into the stream.


My Name is Priyanshu Thakur and I am preparing for Civil Services! And I am from Bihar. My aim is to cooperate with the participants preparing for competitive exams in Hindi & English medium. It is my fervent desire to get the affection of all of you and to serve you by distributing my acquired experiences and knowledge.


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